Iam and will always be indebted to my grandmother for introducing us to a different world..... a world full of beautifully dressed up fairies n gods,where everything was so calm and quiet....it seemed as if there was somthing magical about this place,something that drew us more closer towards it each time we slipped into this world.The silvery water looked like a dazzaling stage and the moon walked on it like a hero with a godly grace.These entrancing pictures are stored in the camera of my mind...and i relive these moments every now and then.
These dreams have taught us so much,infact they have also to some extent played their role in shaping us as indivisuals.The stories...for example always had some moral lesson at the end to teach,n my granmother made sure we understood the morals well !! On the contrary todays life is full of humdrum n chaos....where we hardly get the time to notice the beauty of nature like watching the starry nights which by no means looks less charming,the beauty of stars ....these natures lamps are as if filled with everlasting oil.
But sadly the person who made all this possible for us...for letting us explore the beauty of a world beyond this world.... i would say, this charming personality(my granny) is not with us any more.I know she is up there watchin us all .But for me i know she will always be with me till my last breath.....always to guide me as a true mentor and my companion.